All of the prices below are inclusive of postage & packaging.
A Coventry Crucible
Exploring Psalmanazar
The Stock Exchange of Ideas
Squeak, Budgie!
Not a Silent Night / Keine Stille Nacht
John Gohorry & Bettine Koch
Thirty Three Ostrich Cadenzas
Impromptus for George Erdmann & The Good Samaritan, a libretto for a conjectural Abendmusik, 1705
The Age of Saturn
Adagios on Ré - Adagios en Ré
£10.00 or €12.00
Ten Pantomime Sketches
On the Blue Cliff
A Manager's Dog
Samuel Johnson's Amber
That Inward Eye
The Time of Day
Forty-Eight Gates
From the Slopes of Mount Rozan
Pictures from Hokusai CD
with Music by Dave Perrottet
Imagining Magdeburg
Stone Places
Five Trompe l'Oeil Verses
Barnacle Oak
A Voyage Round The Moon
Talk into the Late Evening
Five Poems
Imagining Dr Minor